About Us.

Dan and I met in High School, and started dating in college. We have known we wanted to marry each other for awhile now, and decided to get married before leaving Las Vegas. I picked out my own engagement ring, and Dan proposed to me while we were hiking in Red Rock Canyon. Our five year anniversary will be on February 7, 2011. Currently, the wedding date is set for May 21, 2011.

Dan: as described by Amanda

Dan was born and raised in the Philippines. As you may see from the picture of him playing GameBoy, he has loved video games since he was young. He plays them daily. He acts mischievous at times; like a real life internet "troll." It is just one of the ways of expressing his love! He also likes hiking, reading manga/comics, watching movies, and traveling when he gets the chance. He is laid back, but can be relied upon when you need him. He likes to spend time with friends, and enjoys the present; thus he is not very interested in long-term wedding planning. ;)


Amanda: as described by herself

I was raised in primarily in the Southwest: Phoenix and Las Vegas. I am a shy and sensitive  person. I like spending as much time as I can with my friends and family members to whom I am very close. I also like reading, hiking, traveling, and watching movies. Once in awhile I will try to play video games with Dan, but usually I am a slow learner ^^; I graduated with a BA in English, and am hoping to teach English abroad next year.